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how to flush the toilet

7 Mar

a note regarding the gingers

7 Mar

For those unaware we have two gingersĀ on staff. Now please, this comes straight from the heart, but it is essential that you treat them with the utmost respect. They have had a tough time being gingers. Life isn’t always the easiest for those red-headed men with freckled skin. They will never get the perfect tan that everyone desires. And summer fun is just not the same when you must suffer with the unbearable heat and burns that accompany the glorious sun.

We just ask that you keep this in mind when you see them next. Just pat their back and wish them well as they venture out and brace the wretchedness that embodies their gingerness.

disclaimer: this post is made in jest and is supported by the gingers (red heads) on staff.

Mr. West Explaining the Universe

3 Mar

Ok now I know that we have posted quite a few videos here as of late, and I shouldn’t be posting another, but I will make an exception as I am a key actor in the video I am posting. This was a video shot by my good friend Andrej and has both me and Sydney in the video. I would like everyone to enjoy our short film based on FML. The name of the video is called F!@# MY LIFE when you go to the website.